Have you been bitten by an animal or pet inside the city limits of Amarillo?

If you've been bitten by an animal or pet within Amarillo city limits, it's crucial to take the following actions:

  1. Call 806-378-3038 — Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare Dispatch immediately.
    State law mandates citizens to report bite injuries.

  2. Get medical attention promptly. If AM&W hasn't been informed yet, the medical facility will contact them on your behalf.

For bite injuries outside city limits, promptly notify the appropriate county.

What to expect after reporting a bite.

Dispatch will alert the on-duty field officer, who will gather information about the injury and the responsible animal. The field officer will collect details on the bite victim, owner information, and discuss the animal's vaccination status. 


Animal Bites FAQs

I have been bitten by an animal, what do I need to do?
How long is the quarantine period for a domestic bite animal?